Concorde Nursing Programs
Nursing is among the noblest of professions. Think about it. Years and decades beyond your treatment of a patient, that patient might not remember your name, but they'll always remember how you made them feel. At Concorde, we prepare students for successful careers in nursing and practical/vocational nursing.
You can make a great impact on your community
Through a career in nursing, you can positively impact the lives of those in your community while achieving a sense of fulfillment doing meaningful work in a fast-growing, fast-paced health care field.* With Concorde, you can achieve your personal career goals while also serving your family and community; through coursework that is hands-on and real-world-experience based.
Take the first step on your path to becoming a nurse today!
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Nursing (Pre-Licensure)
Explore Program
Practical / Vocational Nursing
Explore Program