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Open House Event, Sep. 25thSave My Spot

Allied Health Programs

Supporting quality Care is a Career that Matters

Allied health professions are roles distinct from nursing, rehabilitation, diagnostic medicine and dental fields. Working as part of a health care team; sometimes behind the scenes to help deliver quality care and successful operation of healthcare practices.

Concorde offers several different and distinct allied health career paths from which to choose


Take the first step toward a rewarding allied health career today!

To learn more about Concorde's Allied Health programs, fill out and submit the Request Information form, or call today!

Get Started

  1. Program length may be subject to change dependent on transfer credits and course load. Please refer to current course catalog for more information. Concorde does not guarantee admittance, graduation, subsequent employment or salary amount.

  2. Professional certification is not a requirement for graduation, may not be a requirement for employment nor does it guarantee employment.

  3. Financial aid is available to those who qualify but may not be available for all programs. Concorde does not guarantee financial aid or scholarship awards or amounts.

  4. Clinical hour requirements and delivery may vary by campus location and may be subject to change. Concorde does not guarantee clinical site assignments based upon student preference or geographic convenience; nor do clinical experiences guarantee graduation, post-clinical employment or salary outcomes.

  5. Registration and certification requirements for taking and passing these examinations are not controlled by Concorde, but by outside agencies, and are subject to change by the agency without notice. Therefore, Concorde cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take these exams, at all or at any specific time, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment.

  6. Externships are a non-paid in-person learning experience, whose length and location may be subject to change. Concorde does not guarantee externship placement, graduation, post-externship employment or salary outcomes.